Playing Free Pokies Games Online – 3 Tips for Higher Wins

Pokies Games Online

Pokies Games OnlineThe truth of the matter is, there is no winning strategy when it comes to pokies games online. You have no way of influencing the outcome of the pokies machines. Anyone claiming to have come up with a winning strategy that has been proven is either lying or confused. You should be aware of the fact that there is no guarantee of successive wins when it comes to playing pokies games online or at the land based casinos for this matter. Pokies games online usually have a house edge of around ten percent, meaning that the casino will always end up having 10% of the money you wager.

Pokies games online have the Random Number Generator, a software that creates different number combinations and patterns on every spin. The RNG chooses a particular number pattern as the winning combination. This is done with the help of an algorithm. Once the RNG produces the winning pattern of numbers, it then randomly selects which reel will be displayed. This selection is randomly made from four billion numbers making it very difficult for any person to predict correctly the outcome of a game.

Furthermore – something that is not often understood, especially by regulars and their perculiar ways is the fact that this RNG (Random Number Generator) actually doesn’t generate these random numbers until the second the button is pressed. Press it a split second later and the random number generator has just come up with a another set. So next time you leave a machine and you worry someone else will “steal your feature” rest easy knowing that since you and that other player would never poress the buttons at the exact same time, the chance of them “stealing your feature” are literally non existent.

That being said, there are 3 tips we can share that may not help you win more but they will provide you with tips to last longer, bet less and enjoy the whole experience that much more.

3 Tips To Help You Win More Pokies and Online Slot Games

  • Know what your limits are, and have them set before you start playing. There are two limits that you should have before you can sit down to play. The first one is the overall loss limit. Know how much money you can afford to lose in one sitting and stick to that limit. Online casinos are experts at rousing people to spend more money than they were willing to. To avoid this, a preset limit would actually help you. The second limit is the spin with no payoff limit, normally four to five limits. If after the fifth spin the machine is not paying you, you have no reason to continue playing.
  • Knowledge is key! There are numerous variations and varieties of free pokies games. Each of the games has its different rules and jackpots. Even if you are well familiar with the machine, it is important that you read the game’s rules. This may sound too obvious, but most of the players ignore the rules and go straight to spinning. There are machines which only pay bonuses when you have a particular combination and if you play with the maximum number of coins.
  • To optimize the winnings you get while playing free pokies games, you want to look for the pokies machines that has the highest payout percentages. These machines aren’t going to have an attractive label inviting you to play, but it will always have it in the manual. To find out a machines percentage payout, you could ask the customer care support desk to provide you with the information.

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